I think it, i tinker it, i make it
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I think it, i tinker it, i make it
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Bulldog Lite feeder on the FABtotum personal fabricator
The test is based on this setup:
FABtotum personal fabricator 1.0 FABui v0.93 FABlin 1.0.0091 Hybrid head 1.0 (j-head with 0.35 mm nozzle)
A new bowden tube is attached to the head and original bowden is still attached on original feeder.
I have made this simple adapter in order to use the Bulldog lite with the original cabling without make any modification and restore easily the original feeder.
Before start to print is necessary set the steps per unit for E axis with
M92 E96.4585
command and store it into the EPROM with the
command (this operation is valid for FABlin firmware in the FABtotum but also for Marlin firmware on a generic RepRap printer).
The sample print is sliced with Slic3r, without using retraction.
The connector used in adapter was recovered from a broken CD-ROM drive board.
Special thanks to Gianluca Faletti (aka Kino), for hints on steps per unit calculation.
Plughi is a 3d printer prototype based on different concepts (mostly stolen from LuzBot printers,Prusa I3, personal POV), steel and alu i3 frames are too expensive.
(Author quote from Github)
The project was started by Gianluca Faletti aka Kino, in this page i report my contributions under blog form, all the docs and contributions are stored on main wiki pages on Github.
Using mencoder to join single images into a movie, in this example multiple still images (jpeg) are joined in a single .avi video
mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -o movie.avi -fps 5 -ovc lavc -x264encopts subq=6:frameref=6:bitrate:75:meumh:bframes=1:cabac:deblock -vf scale=640:480
mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf fps=25:type=jpg -ovc x264 -x264encopts bitrate=1200:threads=2 -o outputfile.mkv