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Wood nameplate for montessori bed: Giulio


Some time ago, my friend Cristian started a job: a montessori bed for the son of our friend Teresa, Giulio.

I have decided to complete the nice work of Cristian with a name plate CNC crafted, quite a challenge because a big size of the object would have been 200 x 80 mm and i have only a small desktop CNC, the FABtotum personal fabricator.

After some “dry run” tests in order to check the real travel limit of X axis, i done the job with success.


Designing the plate in Inkscape

  1. Designed the plate in Inkscape and placed near the origins (lower left corner), the units and the rulers are in millimeteres
  2. Selected the text of the inscription and from menu: Path → Object to Path, this convert the text into lines used by CAM software (Makercam, in this case) to recognize the areas
  3. Saved the design using: Save as… and select Plain SVG

Generating the path (GCODE) with Makercam

Post process the GCODE

Now, the GCODE is available, Makercam has produced the GCODE for GRBL parser but i have a Marlin derived CNC (3DPrinter firmware derived), the FABtotum Personal Fabricator. I've written a GCODE post processor that eliminate the weird behaviour (caused from not understanded GCODEs) and optimize the working speed, accelerating the travels.

It's called MakerCAM2FABtotum and it's available on GitHub.

For processing the produced gcode, for example you can do:

# ./ input.gcode 12000

And the script produce an optimized GCODE with a configured spindle speed @ 12000 RPM.

Now you can then load the _postprocessed.gcode files into the FABtotum object manager and use it for milling.

I have run the cutout only GCODE for first in order to check if the tool can do the work for the entire width of the machine without triggering the limit switches; the cutout job is the largest job, the other job may go well.

It's a Linux bash script but you can run it also in Windows, watch the following video for a quick tutorial.

